Let us help with your research.
The Hibbard Library (1121 Waukegan Road) is part of the Glenview History Center and open to the public on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. The Library offers a wide range of resources to help with research related to the history of our community. GHC can help you:
Discover the history of a house or business
Find Glenview relatives
Find historic photos
Answer general questions about the area
Library volunteers are available to help on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.
Research Assistance
If you would like an appointment with our research expert on a Tuesday from 1:00 to 4:00, or would like to arrange another time, please call 847-724-2235 or contact us via the form linked below.
There is no charge for assistance with research although donations are greatly appreciated.
Explore our Archives
Hibbard Library
Dedicated in 1980, the Hibbard Library was designed in the style of a Victorian coach house. It is named in honor of Dick and Jane Hibbard, who were among the Center’s founding members.
The library collection includes rare books, documents, photos, maps, artifacts and newspapers related to Glenview. It also houses census records, obituaries, and other materials useful in genealogy research.
The Library Committee makes a special effort to assist students, writers and researchers to search the files for materials useful to their work.
The Library is open on Tuesdays between 1-4 PM. For research requests, please call 847-724-2235 or contact us online.