The Farmhouse and parking lot are undergoing extensive renovations. We will maintain our Tuesday hours at the Hibbard Library when possible. Entrance is through the left side door. However, there may be times when our building is inaccessible. Please fill out our contact form or call ahead if you are planning to visit.
Discover and explore the history of Glenview, IL
Welcome to the Glenview History Center
Discover and explore the history of Glenview, Illinois, incorporated 1899.
Naval Air Station Glenview

Glenview State Bank
on Glenview Road
Glen View House
Open Hours: The Hibbard Library Tuesday, 1-4 • The Farmhouse Museum is currently closed for renovations.
Contact us online or call 847-724-2235
160 year old
Hutchings Farmhouse getting some much needed TLC

Damaged siding is replaced and the whole house will get a fresh coat of yellow paint!
We look forward to welcoming visitors again through the front porch entrance! The porch is being rebuilt, with new concrete footings to prevent issues with rot.

The crumbling kitchen foundation is made of brick laid directly on the soil. New concrete, set below the frost line, will ensure a stable foundation for years to come!

No one is nostalgic for lead water lines. The water and sewer lines, which extend out to Waukegan Road, are being replaced.
How can GHC help you?
Let us assist with your exploration of Glenview's history.
Here are some ways we can work together!
Research Glenview's history.
Learn from the wealth of information in the Hibbard Library's archives, maps, and resources
Book a presentation. Schedule a tour.
Let our experts share their insights and passion for Glenview's history with your group.
Explore exhibits in our
1860s farmhouse.
Have a question about Glenview history?
Call us for research assistance at 847-724-2235 or contact us online.